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渡辺 姫詩乃

音楽プロデューサー, 作曲家, 編曲家

1998年、広島生まれ、東京育ち。慶應義塾大学環境情報学部 卒。東京を拠点に活動するプロデューサー/トラックメイカー。




2021年に、バーチャルアイドル  STATION IDOL LATCH! への楽曲提供で、作家デビュー。

FANTASTICS from EXILE TRIBE、向井太一、ICEx 等、メジャーアーティストの楽曲に参加。




Music Producer, Songwriter

Born in 1998. A Tokyo-based producer / trackmaker.

She started playing the electone and guitar at an early age, and started composing music at the age of 13. In high school, she played jazz in a big band as a bassist. She began her full-fledged career as a music producer while in university.

In 2021, she made her debut by composing and arranging the song for the virtual idol STATION IDOL LATCH!. She has participated in music for major artists such as FANTASTICS from EXILE TRIBE, Taichi Mukai, and ICEx.

She keeps up the musical trends and incorporates unique chord progressions and solid sound-making to create one-of-a-kind songs that listeners will remember for a long time.

She has been focusing on collaborating with other writers in Japan and abroad, making use of her language skills in English and Korean.